Wednesday 4 June 2014

Arthur's pricing

Bleh - it hasn't been a great day so far.  I have a show coming up in Stratford on 15th June, and I'm starting to get a bit jumpy about it.  I got up yesterday morning and thought 'I need more small bear patterns'.  So I started out adapting an existing design, got distracted by the shape and decided to go a different route.  I spent all day working on the body and the head, and did they match?  No.

This morning, I looked at the two patterns and thought, 'well the body is a bit unlikely, but the head really works' - so onto trying to make a new body for him.  By 11 o'clock, I had admitted defeat.  

I guess I did two things wrong.  A and 1, if I'm going to spend ages getting the patterns right, I need to spend a bit more time in the planning stage, making sure the ideas are viable.  B and 2, maybe two weeks before a show is not the right time to start a new project.

It's these birds which are making me panic.  The crows were supposed to be my 'new thing' for this show.  I have lots of plans for them, but I'm waiting for the fabric to arrive (again).  I do have two in the cabinet at the Art & Craft Centre, but I'd love to have a little mob of them!  That would make a real impact.

In the meantime, I have finally worked out the pricing for Arthur.  He was very expensive to make unfortunately.  But he is beautiful.  Hopefully someone will have him.


Polly said...

If you can't make the crows, why not make as many as you can of the little birds. I'm sure they will go well at a show.

Ruth said...

Yes, that's probably a good idea. They're not the most economical of things to make, unfortunately, since they take most of the day, but definitely better than nothing. See how optimistic I am(!)

Ruth said...
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