Tuesday, 10 March 2015


Good morning!  This is Reginald - another attempt at a Tingaling-style bear, like Henrietta (see this post).  He is made out of a fabric which was just described as silk, which is really strange.  It is much less fluffy than the mohair, quite smooth with a sort of sheen to it.  Certainly the effect is interesting for a vintage-style bear.

He also has plastic safety eyes, because I was trying to replicate the way the eyes sat on the surface, rather than indenting.  On the original old bears, this was a result of the head being stuffed with wood wool, but working with wood wool is a tough job so I thought I'd save that for next time(!)  I took the easy route and I do really like the effect.

And lastly, Reginald wears a jumper knitted by my mother!

You can find him, and Selena - the little bunny I posted yesterday - in my Etsy shop.

Today, I am paper macheing crows' feet, making hedgehogs, and perhaps working on a new design.  Also, hopefully taking delivery of some shop fittings for Snape - an A board and a card rack.  I suppose I'd better get some cards made then, too(!)

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