Friday 18 January 2013

New bear

Well, I started the 50-bear project yesterday, and I was absolutely flabbergasted to be completing my first bear that evening.  I don't think I've ever made one bear in one day before.  He's actually quite cute too!  He is currently unnamed - somebody on Facebook suggested throwing that decision open to Facebook friends and fans.  Not quite sure how well that's going to work, but we'll see.

In the meantime, onto bear number two - who is apparently going to have pink fluffy boots!


Polly said...

Nice bear, looking forward to seeing the other 49.
He is the first so I think his name should be Adam.

Ruth said...

Oooh - gppd one! I had provisionally named him Percy, but I think I'm going to have to change that to Adam. It is particularly appropriate because the second bear, which I made on Friday, was a girl-bear. Thank you Polly!