Monday 7 April 2014

Roasted cauliflower gratin

You can tell I've got too much time on my hands, can't you - three posts in one day?  

I just made this roasted cauliflower gratin, with tomatoes and goat's cheese, by Martha Rose Shulman.  Get the recipe here.  It was a good one!  I've been meaning to try roasted cauliflower for a while.  This dish actually tastes a bit like cauliflower cheese, except it's not really.  You roast the cauliflower and then make a tomato sauce to mix in with it.  Then you whisk together eggs and goats cheese and pour them over the top.  I'd never have thought of the egg topping.  It worked well for the most part - I didn't really notice the egg, apart from a few areas round the edge, where it was too thick, and it was like eating an omelette.

If I made it again, I think I would try to put a bit more veg in the sauce, and possibly less egg on top.  I also didn't get a chance to try the cinnamon in the tomato sauce, as in the recipe, because we didn't have any - but I'd definitely like to give it a go.

Tomorrow I might take a break and have a ready-meal - except that there is a really lovely recipe for a grilled, layered spice cake that I'd like to try!  Ever had grilled cake?


Naomi said...

And the bears Ruthie! And the bears!

Oh ok. You've twisted our arms - we'll be round for tea later this week.

Ruth said...

Oh good - at the rate I'm going, I'm going to have a freezer full of food!