Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Ahem... our downstairs toilet

Okay, sorry this is a bit off-topic, but I have a sister in Peru and an Auntie in LA who won't get to see the building work we're having done at home, so I wanted to share some photos. 

We recently had our upstairs bathroom redone, and the builder gave us a catalogue (absolutely fatal!), in which there was a picture of a downstairs cloakroom tucked into the space under the stairs.  It was really 'bijou' and neat, and since our downstairs toilet is next to the kitchen, moving it would allow us to extend the kitchen, which has been on the 'stuff to do' list for a long time.

So, here's the first stage in pictures.

This is the insulation being put in under the stairs and the little wall behind which all the pipes will be hidden

This is the dirty great hole they made in the floor of the front porch, for putting in the pipework.

These two pictures just show the space from another angle - this is how it looks from our front door.

In the meantime, the tiler has just been and gone, putting the most lovely shiny turquoise tiles on the back wall of the space (will post a pic tomorrow), and the electrician's here now.  It looks really good already, but looking at these pictures, we really must do something about those stairs!

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