Afternoon! Meet Velma (right), pictured here with Pepe. She is my original prototype, redone and smartened up considerably. It seemed a shame to abandon her, when she looked so perfectly penguin-like. The thread she's sewn in is the wrong colour, but for the most part its covered over with black paint, so it can't be seen.
They seem to be taking an inordinate amount of time, these penguins! It's partly the whole paper mache thing with the feet, and the fact that its a new design, so I haven't been sure exactly what to do with it. Partly also though, I have been focusing on other things - a bit more of the washing job, lots more baking, a bit of research into different courses I could do. I am waiting to find out now whether I've got into one - although they haven't exactly been quick getting back to me, so I'm probably not going to be lucky this time.
Anyway, I'm going to make a few more penguins - perhaps another one so I can have a display of three at the Art & Craft Centre, and then another three to put aside for Hugglets at the end of the year. I will try and time the process, so i know how much to charge for them. I will put one in my Etsy shop too - do give me a shout if you're interested in having one. :-)
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