Friday, 9 December 2011

Percy & Boris

First Platoon Washing-Up Brigade (in mufti): "ATTEN-SHUN!"

Two more of  these little bears, called Percy and Boris.  Having made them, I've been looking at them thinking, 'Hmmm, they are rather military-looking with their arms like that'.  Is it me, or do they also look rather European?  It's something about the portliness, the high-waisted trousers, the loud check print and the suggestion of facial hair - it looks like they should be able to yodel rather well!


Polly said...

:) The poor things look terrified. Had you shouted at them?

Ruth said...

:-) You're not taking to these ones, are you? Never mind, hopefully someone will like them.

Naomi said...

Actually i think they both look as if they've got the last chocolate biscuit behind their backs - sort of expectantly furtive.

Ruth said...

A chocolate biscuit? I was thinking more of putting a toilet plunger in one hand. Maybe I could use them to decorate the new downstairs toilet!