Wednesday 30 January 2013

Isaac the Moon Bear

I think this is my new favourite bear of this design - Isaac, the moon bear!  He is a strange combination - the pattern isn't a particularly realistic shape (not at all in fact), but the markings and pile length are quite true to life.  I wouldn't usually have done this - it was just that, being the ninth bear I cut out in this pattern, I was getting desperate to do something a bit different.  Strangely, it does seem to work.

Today's project is also a bit different: it is to be an extra large version of this design - although not a moon bear, unfortunately.

I can see there are good things and bad things about cutting out lots of bears in advance.  On the up side, I get desperate to do something different, and so maybe take a few risks - try things I wouldn't normal do.  On the down side, because I don't know how these risks are going to turn out, I can't go on to develop them one stage further in the next one I cut out.

Ah well, maybe in the future, a slightly bigger moon bear in this pattern!


Barbara said...

He is rather gorgous. I hope he finds a new home quickly!

Ruth said...

Thank you :-) I hope so too!

Anonymous said...

Your bears are really lovely, but this design in particular is just gorgeous- I'd have a hard time trying to choose my favourite:-) They all have such character!